A lot of new people have been visiting Planapple recently, and some have asked what the best way is to get started. Here's a simple guide to get you going and show you how Planapple makes planning a trip easier.
What is Planapple?
At its heart, Planapple is a research and planning tool for the web. It gives you a single place to save your research, talk about it with tripmates, and take it with you on your smart phone.
Planning a trip on Planapple often looks like this:
- Surf the web to find interesting ideas on sites you like.
- Save those pages to your trip on Planapple with the bookmarking tool.
- Talk about stuff with tripmates back on Planapple via comments in the discussion section (ie "What do you think of these 3 hotels?").
- Organize things into lists, make decisions, and perhaps build an itinerary.
- Go on your trip and access the stuff you saved on Planapple from the mobile app.
Let's get started.