Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easier, cleaner entry details

We've noticed (OK, several of you have pointed out) that our "entry details page" could be somewhat annoying. Sure, there were places to enter just about anything you wanted to keep track of for an entry: its address, phone number, contact email, cost, etc. But a lot of the time all that detail just doesn't matter. And worse, showing all those (often unused) pieces of info meant you constantly had to scroll down to get to the good stuff -- the link to the entry's web site, comments from your tripmates, etc.

We recently rolled out a new design for the entry details page that we hope makes this much easier. Now all those details are kept in a details pod at the top right, and we hide the ones you aren't using. Just expand the details pod ("Edit Details") to see and edit everything.

We've also moved the link to the entry's web site up to the top, just under the title, where many of you told us you were expecting to find it. And we've added an overview of votes and comments up near the title, too.

The new entry details page and the expanded details pod

While we were at it, we made it easier to do some things directly from the list of entries, without having to go into the details page. Now you can schedule an entry and delete (archive) it from a little info balloon that appears whenever you mouse over an entry.

(Bonus tip: you can also drag and drop entries from the list to the calendar on the right, or to one of the categories or the archive on the left.)

We hope these changes make it easier to work with your trip in Planapple. Let us know what you think, and please keep passing along your suggestions, comments, and complaints -- they're how we make sure Planapple is useful for you. We're listening in the Planapple Feedback Forum. Don't be shy!